Charlee has been sick the past two weeks. Just when I thought it was getting better, it's come back again. I feel so bad for her...and the poor princess is back down to 18.6 pounds :( Her check-up is in two weeks, and I'm sure they're going to freak out if she's still down this small.
I did find some Pediasure and she's drinking it and holding it down okay. And she can eat baby food. I feel weird feeding my 17.5 month old baby food, but hey, if it stays down....I don't care WHAT it is!
About a month ago, we had to convert her crib over to a toddler bed because the front panel broke. Well, then she decided to start chewing on the final back piece, so we decided to buy her a plastic one. One of my friends had one in a yard sale so we bought it and she LOVES it :) She's going to bed so easy now!!! She goes to the bottom and points at the sticker and says "Pooh Bay-er"
Now I'm just working on the family cookbook. I'll probably go ahead and post most of the recipes on here, so I can keep track of them!
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