Sunday, May 29, 2011

Baby Stewart is a.............................

This post is a week late, but Baby Stewart is a BOY!!!!
John, Charlee and I are over the moon, and I think Daddy is super proud that now he'll have a little man running around the house, a little shadow that DOESN"T have pigtails and bows ;)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Nana!

Today would've been my Nana's 75th birthday.  We had plans to take her to the Paula Dean's buffet at the casino and have a fun day, but she's celebrating with DeDe Charlie and our angel babies in Heaven this year.  It's a hard day, full of remembering what was and what I wish STILL was today.  It's slowly getting better, but I know there will never be another person that will impact my life the way my Nana did, and I miss her every day.
I think the worst day is yet to come...the day this baby comes.  I LOVED having her at the hospital after Charlee was born, and it will definitely be a bittersweet moment, wishing that Nana could be there to hold this baby too.  But, just like Charlie was "there" when Charlee was born, I know he and Nana will be watching over the birth of this little baby too. <3

Monday, May 16, 2011


We were 16 weeks pregnant on Saturday.  My OB and insurance recommended taking 17P (progesterone) shots to help prevent pre-term labor again, so we start those tomorrow.  From now til 35-37 weeks, a home health nurse will come here once a week and give me a shot of hormones to try to keep the placenta doing it's job a little longer, so hopefully this baby stays "baking" a little bit longer than Charlee did.
On a great, exciting note, we have a gender ultrasound scheduled at Early Images this Friday!!!


About Me

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SAHM to a beautiful, wonderful, miracle princess named Charlee Jean. Married to my high school sweetheart for over 6 years now, and expecting another miracle baby in October 2011